Finance Options for Rent Rolls

Our Consultants can provide funding options to specifically assist in the purchase of Rent Rolls (larger businesses with at least 200 properties under management). 

Maximum Loan Amount: 

  • 60% of the lower of the Rent Roll purchase price or independent valuation.  Population area >20k. 
  • 50% of the lower of the Rent Roll purchase price or independent valuation.  Population area <20k. 

Loan Term: 

  • 10 years – P & I 
  • 3 years – I/O 


  • Incorporated: A General Security Agreement (GSA) over the rent roll plus Directors Debt and Interest G/tees
  • Unincorporated: A General Security Agreement (GSA) over the rent roll

Note: Security over the Freehold of the principals/directors property is also likely to be required. 

Please contact us to discuss any opportunities.